Monday, April 27, 2015

My Story

My Story

Part One: 

Ezra and Mommy
Where were you before Jesus found you?

My younger years were spent in a Christian home with a sturdy foundation built on love.  We had a diligent loving mother, and a fun stay at home dad. God in our lives, Prayers at the family dinner, and nachos and popcorn at our Friday night sleep outs. In later years that lovely home turned into a very alcoholic home. The turn of events in my life started with my mother.  She had started drinking and using narcotics. My siblings and I spent a few years in a broken home with a mother who was never really there, and parents who were often at the brink of divorce. She knew what she was doing to us and it was to hard for her to bear, in August of 2004 she had decided to take her life with a bullet to the head. By some miracle she still lives! At age 15 my parents divorced, I spent most of that time in Idaho with my father, and my siblings in Indiana with my mother. At that time My dad took his turn in the addiction and was heavily using drugs and alcohol. I was scared for his safety and mine. I had eventually moved into my neighbors house to get away from the fearful late nights of mothering a drunken father. November 6, 2006 on the way to school I stopped by his house to say goodbye and I had found him dead. I spent the next few years in a very troubled state.  In that season I went into depression. I had started drinking and spent a good about of time hooked on pills. I did a fair amount of self mutilation. I was lying and stealing. At sixteen-seventeen I moved into a drug house and dropped out of school. Broken, confused, angry, and lost I was on a road to nowhere fast!

Part Two:

Where did Jesus find you?

Baptism March 2009

I had started attending a youth group program at my local church. I was wanting to do right but not ready to leave the comfort of the drugs. Therefore I was going to church and doing "good" with God and on the other hand going home to get high and doing the Devil's work. January 16, 2009 I came into that youth group higher than a kite. We were playing some worship music, and Pastor found it appropriate to continue to worship through service. The whole group was at the alter with hands lifted high praising God with the help of Hillsong United's- Mighty to Save. Growing in the Christian home I knew who God was but I had yet experience him myself. On this night I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. I was overcome by the Holy Spirit. He freed me from my addictions. I left that church not only sober but on fire for God!

Part Three:

Where are you now?

Now I am new and alive in Christ. I am going through the toughest battle of my life. But through God's great Grace I am not only making it through, but I am thriving! October 5th, 2012 I gave birth to my only child, my daughter Ezra Renee. What a blessing! In December of 2013 her father and I separated and went on the route of divorce. Just before the finalization of that divorce He started dating another woman. She had become a part of my daughter's life. Taking care of little Ezra on occasion and befriending myself. August 22nd, 2014 that woman took the life of my only precious baby girl. 

Now I find my self 8 months after her murder in and out of the court room with this woman trying to convict her of a crime she claims to have not committed. It has been a long haul, a struggle without doubt, but by the grace of God I am alright! And what I mean by alright is, when the world would think I should be in deep mourning, broken, battered, and bruised, My God has given my peace, comfort, and joy! He has not let me lay awake and night wondering what if, and why.  Instead he gives me rest in him! When the world calls me bereaved, he calls me a mother! 
At one court hearing I was struggling hard, listening to the details of what happened that night, I couldn't bear to handle it anymore. God spoke to me, He had told to not worry or fear because there is a far greater court going on right now, HIS court. And Ezra will get her justice in heaven where she belongs! 
Just after her passing while in deep mourning about to give up on this life, God called out to me and gave me a word.

Shes A Wildflower
"REJOICE! Ezra is right where Ezra belongs! She is happy, well taken care of, free, and waiting your homecoming. You on the other hand are also well taken care of, I am not done with you yet, you will make it through this and you will overcome! I love you best!" In my darkest hour he told me to rejoice and gave me light! And I have been rejoicing ever since.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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  1. Naomi, I just want to be an encouragement to you and help hold you up in prayer through this time. Without the hope of seeing your daughter one day and knowing she is in the arms of Jesus in heaven where would you be? He is our only hope.

  2. I love you Naomi, you are such a testimony to us all. I am so proud of you. Peace and love to you my little friend.

  3. Naomi...your strength gives me hope in my own life! May God bless & keep you always in the comfort of His loving arms....
